Friday, May 20, 2011

Informational about Sleeping

Altered state of consciousness

Sleeping is an essential state of consciousness; it involves stages and periods of dreaming.

There are four theories
  1. Sleep is restorative; it recharges your batteries for the next day.
  2. Type of primitive hibernation, also conserves energy.
  3. Sleep is an adoptive process.
  4. We clear our minds of useless information.

Also 5 stages to sleeping
Stage 1 4-5%-Light sleep, Muscle activity slows down and occasionally your muscles will twitch.
Stage 2 45-55%-Your breathing pattern and heart rate slow down, also slight decrease in body temperature.
Stage 3 4-6%-Now your deep sleep begins. Your brain begins to generate slow delta waves.
Stage 4 12-15%-Very deep sleep picks up. Rhythmic breathing limits muscle activity. Your brain produces delta waves
Stage 5 20-25%-Rapid eye movements. Brainwaves speed up and dreaming occurs. Muscles relax and heart rate increases. Breathing is rapid and shallow.

How much sleep do we need?
-Humans spend approximately 1/3 of there lives sleeping! (get a comfortable bed!)
-Newborns sleep approximately 16 hours a day
-Adolescents need approximately 10-12 hours of sleep a night. (sleep deprived)
-People over the age of 70 only need about 5 hours of sleep a night and there good to go for the rest of the day

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Walk A Paragraph"

            I went to Brewster, and where that is, is a little past Omak about half an hour. I was in this little Mexican store and I was observing this little woman she was about late thirties early forties, and it was interesting but she looked like any normal person I guess out in public. You could tell she wasn’t happy about her job and she also brought her child to work with her. If you think about it she can’t hire a baby sitter, or she has no family in the area, or maybe she lives in the place she works. But in most cases that is how the Mexican women are down there, considering I have family down there. The way she did her make up was like she wanted attention which was a little scary. Who puts eye liner around there lips to outline it, I felt bad.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Polarbear Swim

The reason why I’m not going to the Polar bear swim is because there is no real reason or significance for me to, I think of it as pointless. I could go and possibly go and freeze my butt off or I could go and eat lunch. I could play basketball or go to the polar bear swim. There are so many other options that I have to choose from then going to the polar bear swim. I could do the polar bear swim any time I wanted to. My friends asked me to do it the teachers told me to do it, and I still don’t see any point. Sure it’s for the grads but I could do it just for myself. After all I am a grad myself, or I will be this year. If I wanted to do it I will go of my own free will, and not because someone asked or told me to do it. When someone demanded me to do it I said “no” they asked why, I told them “because you told me to”, and I don’t want to do something if you’re not going to ask me to do it. That and I am my own person after all, but over all it probably would be fun but I could do it when I feel like it. It looks cloudy outside, there is a possibility of wind along shore and the water is probably colder then everyone really thinks. This is why I am not going to the polar bear swim, not because I hate it but because I just don’t feel like it, its all timing for me.

Monday, February 28, 2011

19. Complete the statement: “I’d walk a mile for_____________” and continue to write about it.

"I'd walk a mile for my thoughts." it wasn't long ago when I was a younger and not as fit boy. I was fourteen years old at one point in my life. I enjoyed every year, month, day, hour, second. Every last moment was enjoyable even if it was heart breaking. Without those moments in my life I would not have learned a new lesson in my existence. Weather is be telling someone thank you to things don’t come easy. We work, we work, and we work for sometimes nothing, or that’s what we would like to think. Sometimes we think walking a certain distance for your significant other is romantic. Or even walking a certain distance to show your basketball team how dedicated you are, but none of them see it. They only see that your there and they tell you go get ready. They have no idea what you just went through. You may have got into a fight/argument with your parents, someone may have died in your family, and you may have lost your boyfriend/girlfriend. You may have just got into a fight with your best friend, but your coach isn’t going to see it. He’s only going to see you, and your bag, “get to work.” That’s how it is. As much as we would like to change things it’s just not happening. Walking sometimes is not an option, and other times it’s the only thing you can do. People have to understand that things come up, and maybe it’s the reason why you don’t see them as often as you think you would. Most people have a good excuse but other people are just taking advantage of it, and really, really don’t care. I went to a rodeo to go on a date with this girl I liked. She stood me up. I walked from the other side of Headley to Osoyoos. Why? Because I was mad, hurt, disappointed, but most of all emotionally hurt. But when I walked I thought this was all for nothing, until I soon came to realize that nothing ever goes the way you want it to. That’s okay though, I thought about everything in my life that’s going good and bad, and look at me now. The walk was not pointless, it gave me time to clear my head, and I looked at all the wonderful land that I live on and realize I take life for granted. Nothing is ever pointless it’s just what you take from it. What I took from my walk was a physical and mental advantage. I was able to run faster and jump higher for sports, and I appreciate what I have around me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21'st Century Education

1. What do you think are the most important skills that you are going to need for your post-high school life?
2. Do you think you are developing these skills in high school? (Why or why not)
3. Please describe the perfect school OR the perfect English class (that is based on serving your personal interests and your future plans.
4. Describe what you are doing next year.

Personally I think basic math is important for buying a car, paying bills, balancing money and being a banker, etc. I don’t think you need these, harder math’s because when are we ever going to want to know how much milligrams a can of pop has when it’s already on the can. I think math would be good for seeing how long something has to be or how far it is from here to where ever. Science I enjoy science and learning about the inside of a human body but there are some things in science that really are not important, like the distance from the earth to the sun. English, I do believe that we should learn how to write appropriately and stuff like that but as for poetry. when are we ever going to use poetry being a cop, am I going to mess with a criminals head or am I going to sweet talk him into giving himself up, not likely. He would probably ask the question "are you gay"? Socials, learning about some things are enjoyable, but why would we have to know about Hitler? He's dead, and it happened way before our time, it was a world war, so what not a big deal some people start war because there compensating for something in there life or someone made him mad. What made him do it in the first place anyways? I think basic math, certain parts of English, some science, and a little bit of socials would be a good pass time and is important. Psychology, yes, learning about how people act and why there acting like that would be nice. It’s not like there always going to tell you what’s up. Band, personally I think only for entertainment purposes. Physical education, I think that should strongly be recommended. No one should let them self go or get ridiculously fat (no offence). Sure in most cases it’s an inheritable trait but who says you can’t get rid of it.

For the most part yes I do think I am developing the skills I need in high school to be a cop, especially the psychology, physical education, math and English part of it.

I agree, we should make sure what we want to do and just go to classes that would specialize you for what it is that you want to do.

I am going to NVIT (Nicola valley institute of technology) in Merritt for law enforcement preparation.

Monday, February 7, 2011


If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? Justify why you have chosen your particular gift, and rejected all others. OR You may choose to match any two superheroes together (Superman vs. Spiderman) and justify who would win in a battle. Remember to give EVIDENCE to support your opinion.

I would like the power to heal, that would be something special, we have doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and rehab centers, but having healing powers and being able to heal someone right on the spot would be great. People would no longer have to look for a cure for diseases or sicknesses and other type of illness. Being able to heal someone physically and mentally would be something else. I thought about super strength sure i would be able to lift things no problem but whats the fun in that, i would rather enjoy helping people with illness and other types of sicknesses.

The Hulk and Superman, I would have those to battle it out in an arm wrestle. I honestly think Superman would win because he’s got super strength but if the Hulk had some kryptonite then the Hulk would break Superman’s arm right off.